

IMIDE: An antelope running in the polyimide industry

IMIDE: An antelope running in the polyimide industry


"Gazelle" is an antelope that is good at jumping and running. It is agile, fast, passionate, unrestrained and runs forever in the sunshine. In the light of the high growth SMEs that also have the flexibility, speed and dream, we vividly claim for the "gazelle business." IMIDE is also such a high-tech company that is determined to grow rapidly in the polyimide industry and become the industry leader. Our companie relys on Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan National Laboratory Optoelectronics Technology and Wuhan National Institute of Technology Technology platform, focusing on research and production of electronic grade and optical grade polyimide products. Since its establishment in 2016, the company has introduced a number of master and doctor experts to create a management team focused on cutting-edge technology so that the company possesses sophisticated quality control and production capabilities. All of the company's technologies are independently researched by the core members of the team, and all have in-depth research talents in the field of OLED, enabling the team to have more R & D experience and international and domestic leading technological invention achievements. In terms of operation and management, the team possesses managers who have served as senior managers and well-experienced managers both at home and abroad to ensure the stability of core technology and management personnel and escort the industrialization of the project.


After more than a year of hard work, the assessment by the East Lake High-tech Development Zone, Wuhan IMIDE was elected in 2017 "Gazelle Enterprise". This is not only an honor of Wuhan IMIDE, but also represents the technology and development of Wuhan IMIDE has been highly recognized, looking forward to the future in the polyimide industry of Wuhan IMIDE , the future of Wuhan IMIDE Uphold the principle of scientific and technological innovation, consolidate technology research and development, and steadily promote industrial development, to become a leader in polyimide struggling.




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