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Flexible display applications:

The flexible OLED display have advantages such as:flexible, thin and drop resistance,fast response and the use of a wide range of temperature,which is the next generation of fantasy display technology. Its wide range of applications. In smart watches, smart phones and other small size market has entered the explosive growth stage, in large-size display areas, like televisions, flexible OLED applications are also growing steadily.

The key to flexible display is the use of polyimide substrate instead of the glass substrate,  which not easy to bend.It need to have excellent heat resistance and dimensional stability. Our company specializes in R & D to produce flexible display polyimide substrate materials, and have the following two products:



Appearance: Yellow transparent Size
Glass Transition Temp.:450℃
Thermal Expansivity:<10ppm/<1ppm/k
Thermal Decomposition Temp.:>550℃
Hylimide®STPI370 Appearance:Yellow transparent Size
Glass Transition Temp.:369℃
Thermal Expansivity:<10ppm
Thermal Decompostion Temp.:.:>550℃








Flexible lighting applications:

OLED lighting is a new lighting technology without UV, it was known as the fourth generation of lighting or green light source. OLED lighting is a surface light source, no glare, can be bent, transparent, no heat sink and diffuser, easy to design high-end art products.For the flexible OLED lighting used in the polyimide substrate, our company has the following three products:



Hylimide®STPI280 Appearance: UV Blocking Transparent Film
Glass Transition Temp.:280℃
UV Rejected.:>99%
Hylimide®STPI300 Appearance: Colorless Transparent Film
Glass Transition Temp.:300℃
Visible light transmittance.:.:>88%
Hylimide®STPI356 Appearance: Colorless Transparent Film
Thickness: 12.5/25/50µm
Glass Transition Temp.:350℃
Visible Light Transmittance:>88%




Terminal touch applications:

Mobile phones, tablet PCs, ATM machines and other intelligent terminals are dependent on touch operation.Compared with the traditional touch screen, flexible touch screen impact resistance, stronger seismic capacity, light weight, small size, the use of roll-to-roll printing process, the cost is more affordable.

Our company specializes in the production of optical films for flexible touch screen conductive film substrates.Through the high temperature process can make ITO side resistance down to 100Ω / □, including 20Ω / □ below the low resistance products, while ensuring high flexibility, high transparency, low cost performance. Our company has the following two products:


Appearance: Colorless Transparent Film 


Glass Transition Temp.:300℃ 

Visible light transmittance.:.:>88% 




Appearance: Colorless Transparent Film 

Thickness: 12.5/25/50µm 

Glass Transition Temp.:350℃ 

Visible Light Transmittance:>88% 



High-end architectural window film applications

The design life of high-rise buildings is more than 50 years,currently available high-rise building window film base film are polyester film, the service life of only 5-8 years, while the polyimide film life of more than 50 years. Our company's products are international first, flame retardant, life is far more than polyester film, can block 99% of the UV light, visible light transmittance greater than 85%. By improving the service life of the basement to reduce the overall product cost, is a new generation of high-rise building glass film base film the best choice. Our company has the following products:


Hylimide®STPI280 Appearance: UV Blocking Transparent Film
Glass Transition Temp.:280℃
UV Rejected.:>99%
Thermal Decomposition Temp.: >500℃






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